Truckee Massage's Stance on Human Equality

In light of the recent unfortunate chaos and unrest happening in our nation, Truckee Massage would like to post their stance on human equality.  Our views come from a place of professional and cultural integrity. Truckee Massage does not and will not tolerate inequality of any kind in or outside of the workplace. There is no place for racism, sexism, or discrimination in our career motto to “do no harm.” Nor is there a place for those things in the basic human code of ethics.

Our hearts go out to the loved ones of the individuals who have recently been victims of police brutality. Violence and mistreatment of our nation’s people of color has been going on for centuries. George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor are only three names of the many thousands who have suffered from systemic racism in our country’s history. Truckee Massage denounces structural racism, social injustice and will speak loudly and proudly to participate in improving the wellbeing of all citizens of the world. We deeply wish that the repeated abuse on minority populations terminates and our collective consciousness can transcend into an equity-based society. 


If human rights became the shared core belief of our society’s foundation, acts of violence, oppression and judgement would dissipate greatly. The consequences that result from these painful events of discrimination are detrimental to the mold of our nation. In the last few weeks, businesses have suffered further loss of income, people have lost lives, and politics have harshly divided us. If we can agree to look past the current rubble and dust in our streets we may be able to see that the root problem lies in the structure of our institutions and historical timeline. Truckee Massage sincerely supports the rebuilding of our nation’s principles to include uniform treatment for every individual, regardless of age, class, ethnicity or gender.


Our nation is very young and full of potential for change. Massage is only a small piece of a large puzzle in making a difference. We are delighted to help people take care of themselves on a physical and emotional level, but we are deeply honored to participate in the bigger drive for social modifications. When we all feel we have equal opportunities as everyone else, only then will our minds and bodies rest in contentment. With movement comes change. 


Truckee Massage’s Vision Statement: To provide wellness services to individuals of all economic and cultural backgrounds knowing that taking care of ourselves is of extreme importance. 


Kendra Cromwell